Saturday, August 8, 2009

To help visualize important aspects of the poem, we will be focusing our attention on many parts: The Danes plus Hrothgar plus Herot, Beowulf (pre-Grendel), Grendel, Beowulf vs. Grendel, Beowulf vs. Grendel’s mother, Beowulf vs. Dragon and Beowulf’s death. You are going to be responsible for illustrating one of these parts.
As you read through the assigned selection, you are going to collect quotes that help you visualize your part. Then you are going to use those quotes to create an image of the scene. Finally, on a separate sheet of paper, you will explain how the quotes helped you create your vision.

The Image or Diorama
If you have drawing talent, you may apply your skills. If you have computer graphic skills, you can put your computer to work. If you have neither of those skills, you may use images cut from magazines to create this image. I don’t want a collage. It can also be three dimensional. It needs to look like the scene that you have created in your mind. The image should be at least 8.5”x 11” or bigger. Give your image a title and make sure your name is somewhere on the front (like an artist’s signature).

The Write Up
Discuss how the quotes helped you create this image. Focus on word choices and phrasing. It needs to be at least 150 words and typed. Please affix the write up to the creation somehow.

The quotes should come from all over the selection. You need to use at least 6 quotes to formulate your image. The quotes either need to be intermingled into the image (as seen on right) or around the parameter. Please make sure the poem lines are included. Draw arrows from the quote to the part of the image it inspired or find some other logical way to connect the quote to the image.

100 points of pure homemade goodness. Mmmmm…. Don’t forget about the reading quiz when this assignment is due. I know. I know. Please try to hold back your excitement. I’m tired of toweling off wet chairs. You can thank me by getting a perfect score on the quiz.

Examples (taken from Old Man and the Sea):

The first examples is a solid version of the assignment. The quotes are placed throughout. All the space is filled. The assigned portion of the story is properly represented. Obviously, the student put effort into the assignment.

This example is an excellent picture. The student traced the jumping shark which is perfectly acceptable. However, the student's excellent efforts fall apart because the image is missing the quotes and the title.

While it's clear that this student struggles with drawing (shark with underbite and the short, fat shark), the image fullfils the requirements. This would have scored better if the student had spaced the quotes and put the title on the image.